Lobsterizmus 101

Friss kommentek

  • Reactor: @desw: Mi az uralkodás első szabálya? MINDENÉRT te vagy a felelős. Erről pedig ennyit. @eff: A nagyvárosban talán jobb? Ott még föld sincs, amit ve... (2022.04.28. 06:36) Emigrálj barátokkal!
  • Reactor: @troll ellenpólus: Valóban igen sokat elért. 8 helyet estünk vissza a GDP-listán, hála neki. Az áldásos gazdaságpolitikája következtében nemhogy a b... (2022.04.28. 00:47) Kis magyar önismeret
  • Reactor: @Quadrille Lobster: Tényleg? Pedig anno Rómában remekül működött. Nem véletlen, hogy az ő birodalmuk mái napig rekorder fennmaradás tekintetében. A ... (2022.04.28. 00:43) Miért zuhan le a gyorsnaszád?
  • Reactor: A társadalom döntő többsége nagy ívben szarik a politikára. Bal, szélsőbal, jobb, szélsőjobb, centrális, horizontális, vertikális, majális...szarják... (2022.04.28. 00:25) A Lobsterizmus saját politikai térképe
  • nevetőharmadik: @Reactor: tökéletesen igazad van. Az elmúlt 9 (!) év során radikálisan revideáltam a demokráciáról vallott nézeteimet, és meggyőződéssel állítom, ... (2022.04.27. 14:55) Politikai tőke és kapzsiság
  • Reactor: Adblocker telepítés. És onnantól békénhagynak a reklámokkal. Aki meg azért nem barátkozik veled, mert szerinte nem vagy elég divatkövető, trendi, va... (2022.04.27. 05:55) Nem ügyfél vagy, hanem termék. Úgyhogy megéri téged szívatni

"Az alkoholtól legalább nem veszítem el a motivációmat" (Richard Nixon)

2014. 09. 04.

Eredetileg csak meg akartam említeni, hogy milyen kicsinyes okokból rendelte el a világ egyik legellenszenvesebb politikusa a drogtilalmat - de teljesen benne ragadtam a témában. Szóval mielőtt kifejteném, mi lesz, amikor eltörlik ezt az emberiségellenes tilalmat, hadd idézzek párat azokból a beszélgetésekből, amik 2001-ben (30 évvel az események után) lettek titoktalanítva az Egyesült Államokban.

Ezek a beszélgetések Nixontól származnak. Elolvastam és kiemeltem, hogy nektek már ne kelljen:)

A TLDR verzió


Nixon egyik bennfentese, Art Linkletter lánya kiugrott egy ablakon és szörnyethalt.

Linkletter innentől Nixon-suttogóként működött és meggyőzte az elnököt, hogy ezt a dolgot be kell tiltani.

Nixon rendelt is egy tanulmányt (a teljes szöveg nagyon alapos, itt olvasható) egy komisszártól, bizonyos Schaffertől, aki le is szállította az anyagot.

Konklúzió: a fű ártalmatlan. (Ha a teljes szövegre kattintotok, először csak a tartalomjegyzék jelenik meg, ami olyanokat ír, hogy "Születési rendellenességek", "Egyészségkárosító hatás", stb. De ha ráklikkelsz, mindig az a refrén, hogy ezt sem okoz és azt sem tudtuk bizonyítani.) Rövid verzió itt.

Nixon reakciója: Írjátok át a tanulmányt.

Poén: Linkletter lányának nem volt LSD a szervezetében, meg úgy átlalában semmi. De olvasva az apja tevékenységét, valahol érthető, hogy ki akart szállni.


A nyalánkságok


Olvastam hogy nem ártalmasabb a whiskey-nél, de ... ez az! Whiskey-t nem ihatnak gyerekek!


RN (Richard Nixon): "...I was asked about marijuana because a study is being made by a, group, [unintelligible] the government. Now, my position is flat-out on that. I am against legalizing marijuana. Now I'm against legalizing marijuana because, I know all the arguments about, well, marijuana is no worse than whiskey, or etc. etc. etc. But the point is, once you cross that line, from the straight society to the drug society -- marijuana, then speed, then it's LSD, then it's heroin, etc. then you're done. But the main point is -- well, well we conduct, well this commission will come up with a number of recommendations perhaps with regard to, [unintelligible] the penalties more, because [unintelligible] too far in this respect. As far as legalizing them is concerned, I think we've got to take a strong stand, one way or the other, and, uh."

RD: "Against, uh."

RN: "Against legalizing. That's the position that I take. Because I think if we legalized it, take the, then, then, your high school and elementary kid, well why not? It [unintelligible]."


Bazmeg, mi van ezekkel a zsidókkal? Biztos azért, mert mindegyik pszichiáter...

May 26, 1971, Time:  10:03 am - 11:35 am -- Oval Office
Conversation: 505-4 -- Meeting with Nixon and HR 'Bob' Haldeman

RN: "Now, this is one thing I want. I want a Goddamn strong statement on marijuana. Can I get that out of this sonofabitching, uh, Domestic Council?"

HRH: "Sure."

RN: "I mean one on marijuana that just tears the ass out of them. I see another thing in the news summary this morning about it. You know it's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob, what is the matter with them? I suppose it's because most of them are psychiatrists, you know, there's so many, all the greatest psychiatrists are Jewish. By God we are going to hit the marijuana thing, and I want to hit it right square in the puss, I want to find a way of putting more on that. More [ unintelligible ] work with somebody else with this."

HRH: "Mm hmm, yep."

RN: "I want to hit it, against legalizing and all that sort of thing."


March 21, 1972, 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm -- Oval Office Conversation No.
690-11 -- in this segment, the President is meeting with H. R.
("Bob") Haldeman.

RN: "But god damn it, why do we have a bunch of psychiatrists sitting around, making people who are not mental cases, mental cases? You know, psychiatry is a God damned racket."

HRH: "Yeah."

RN: "In my opinion, there are some that are important and necessary, but most, most people would do a hell of a lot better with a preacher than a psychiatrist."


Nixon megmondja, szerinte miért szedik ezt a dolgot... Bezzeg az alkohol, attól társasági lény leszel


Ő már csak tudta, kemény akoholista volt. 34 másodpercet töröltek is az anyagból, amikor az alkohol hatásáról beszél, mert "személyes" jellegű.

June 2, 1971, Time:  3:16 pm - 4:15 pm -- Oval Office Conv. 510-3
-- Nixon met with John Ehrlichman

RN: "Why in the name of God do these people take this stuff?"

JE: "For the same reason they drink. It's a, they're bored, it's a, it's a diversion."

RN: "Drinking is a different thing in a sense. Uh, Linkletter's point I think is well taken, he says, 'A person may drink to have a good time' -"

JE: "Mm-hmm"

RN: "-- but a person does not drink simply for the purpose of getting high. You take drugs for the purpose of getting high."

JE: "Yep, yep."

RN: "There is a difference."


Ha túl sokat iszol, csak kihányod. De ha túl sokat füvezel, akkor heroint is szedsz be


AL: "There's a great difference between alcohol and marijuana."

RN: "What is it?"

AL: "The worst that you can have when you're in with other alcoholics is more to drink, so you'll throw up more and get sicker and be drunker."

RN: "And that also is a great, great incentive, uh--"

AL: "But when you are with druggers, the, you can go from marijuana to say heroin. Big difference."

RN: "I see."


Mondjuk azt, hogy nem mindegy, milyen fű


NB: 2009, Nagy Britannia, Őfelsége Kormánya megrendelt egy tanulmányt a marihuána hatásairól. A cél az volt, hogy a baby-boomereknek bebizonyítsák, hogy ez a fű nem az a fű, amit ti 68-ban szívtatok (mégis rendes emberek lettetek). Csodák csodája, kimutatták, hogy valami fűfajta (nem is tudom, hogy nem szintetikus volt-e) ADDIKTÍV.

Hiába, ezek a kormányzatilag megrendelt tanulmányok... És a történelem, hogy időnként totál elfelejti ömnagát.


AL: "If, if, if you're with a guy who suggests you have three more drinks than you should have, you're just going to get sicker. But if you're with a guy who you're already high and he suggests you try, this instead of this, you can go much further. Now, let me tell you one thing about marijuana you should know, that all of, the word marijuana should never be used until you say, what kind of marijuana."

RN: "Oh."

AL: "There is every grade. Now they say legalize marijuana or it isn't bad. What marijuana isn't bad? The mild stuff we grow in Wisconsin, or the stuff from Morocco? The twigs and the leaves, or the rosin? The kind of person who uses it, is he psychotically sound or unsound, is he [unintelligible]? All these things make a difference. So when you say marijuana, you're saying [from one to twenty ?]. And you can never say marijuana, you've got to say: marijuana Acapulco, or marijuana from Mexico, or marijuana from Illinois. Three different things. And, what kind of a person is getting it, what kind of people is he with? I think that marijuana [unintelligible] all people with [unintelligible]."


"Az alkoholtól legalább nem veszítem el a motivációmat" (Richard Nixon)


AL: Yes. There's a man, named Dr. Harvey House (?). Dr. House (?) is the chief clinical psychiatrist at the University of California in Berkeley. Five years ago, they asked him for the paper what he thought of marijuana, and he said, it's a light hallucinogen, probably wouldn't cause any harm to anybody. And this was played up. And he was worried because it was so played up. He spent five years studying. About two months ago he released his new story, and it can all be put in five words: pot smokers can't think straight. Pot smokers can't think straight. If you are a regular head and use it regularly, you are not using your priorities correctly. You are not judging what is most important. You have a kind of a will-less way of thinking. And he described it, [unintelligible], as guys walking along a meadow, and have the same appearance, but some parts were boggy and quicksandy and some were firm, and that's the kind of thinking that pot smokers have, they, they, and, and when people like that say these things you can't tell me that this guy Brown, from your NIMH who was quoted this morning as saying that, uh, marijuana is really nothing and perhaps should be, uh, should be given the same penalty as a parking ticket. Good night!"

RN: "I know. Well, you know I suppose they could say that, alcoholics don't think straight too, can't they?"

AL: "Yes. [unintelligible] Really. But, but another big difference between marijuana and alcohol is that when people s-smoke marijuana, they smoke it to get high. In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable. You don't see people --"

RN: "That's right, that's right."

AL: "They sit down with a marijuana cigarette to get high --"

RN: "A person does not drink to get drunk."

AL: "That's right."

RN: "A person drinks to have fun."

AL: "I'd say smoke marijuana, you smoke marijuana to get high."

RN: "Smoke marijuana, er, uh, you want to get a charge --"

AL: "Right now --"

(Richard Nixon) RN: "-- of some sort, you want to get a charge, and float, and this and that and the other thing."

[34 second portion withdrawn as personal]

RN: "See dodeine basically, is a, isn't that a derivative of the same --"

AL: "Sure, it's opium. Opium. It's an opiate."

RN: "Yeah. But you take, uh, Alice Longworth was telling me once, she loves, I mean, she's of course, the gal's great [unintelligible], or something like that, or [unintelligible] or something, she had, cancer operation two years ago, a year ago, and she --"

[portion withdrawn as personal]

AL: "Just takes the pain and everything, and you smooth it away, just like an iron on the wrinkles. It's a lovely thing when you're sick. It was called, it was called the soldiers' drug you know, after the Civil War."

RN: "Yeah, mm-hmm."

AL: "It was invented in the Civil War, and they invented the hypodermic in the Civil War."


Az erős fajok csak isznak, mint a gödény. A kommunisták is. De nem drogoznak


RN: "I have seen systems, I have seen the countries of Asia and the Middle East, portions of Latin America, and I have seen what drugs have done to those countries. Uh, everybody knows what it's done to the Chinese, the Indians are hopeless anyway, the Burmese. They have different forms of drugs --"

AL: "That's right."

RN: "[unintelligible] China and the rest of them, they've all gone down. The, countries, the north countries for the example -- why the hell are those Communists so hard on drugs? Well why they're so hard on drugs is because, uh, they love to booze. I mean, the Russians, they drink pretty good."

AL: "That's right."

RN: "But they don't allow any drugs. Like that. And look at the north countries. The Swedes drink too much, the Finns drink too much, the British have always been heavy boozers and all the rest, but uh, and the Irish of course the most, uh, but uh, on the other hand, they survive as strong races. There's another, it's a very significant difference."

AL: "That's right."

RN: "And your drug societies, uh, are, are, inevitably come apart. They--"

AL: "They lose motivation."

RN: "--mind"

AL: "No discipline."

RN: "Yeah."

AL: "You know I did a show--"

RN: "At least with liquor, I don't lose motivation [unintelligible]"


Nixon: "Lassan a fehérek is rászoknak..."


RN: "Hard to find anybody who isn't on the stuff?"

RPS: "Uh, no. [unintelligible] Over 75 percent of the [unintelligible] are white, and, uh, and under 18, almost 85
percent, which I [unintelligible]."

RN: "It's now becoming a white problem."



March 21, 1972, 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm -- Oval Office Conversation No.
690-11 -- in this segment, the President is meeting with H. R.
("Bob") Haldeman.

RN: "[unintelligible]. This is a typical thing, it's like the, a black kid, [unintelligible], uh, everybody used, uh, you know it's like old Jim Rhodes, he said, of course he's a typical [unintelligible], I mean, 1960s something like, [unintelligible], he said, you know he says all these people you know, [unintelligible], they come down here, these people, three or four hundred of them, they're picketing around, they're talking to legislators and to press, he, he said [unintelligible] he said, eh, mental health centers and all the other, [unintelligible], he says, I didn't take the money, [unintelligible] I just turned it down, and they gave the money to the niggers."

HRH: "He's right, there's a hell of a lot more niggers than you can buy them off."

RN: "He is [unintelligible, both RN and HRH speak at same time].

HRH: "Jobs, get them off the streets so they aren't killing people."


De még Nixon sem akarta, hogy börtönbe kerüljenek és büntetett előéletűvé váljanak akik betépnek...


RN: "I have a strong firm convictions which I have expressed and which I won't change, about the, about the, the, the situation [unintelligible] about marijuana, in, in two areas. One, about its legalne-, about legalizing which some would do. Second however, now on the other hand, my, my attitude toward penalties on marijuana, is uh, very
powerful. I talked with District Attorney on [unintelligible] and all the rest, and to take somebody that's smoked some of this stuff, put him into a jail with a bunch of hardened criminals, is [silly ?], that's absurd."

RPS: "Absolutely yes."

RN: "There must be different ways than jail. I think that's your experience, is it not? Have you talked to, uh, what's his name up there, uh--... Spector's got a remarkable crime program, where, where where basically they don't even get records."

JHJ: "Uh, we've been working on it, we've been working on it."

RN: "Almost like probation, give them probation before uh, before indictment."


Csináltatunk egy közvélemény-kutatást egy jól hangzó céggel... Már meg is vannak a számaink. 8 és 40 millió között bármi...


RN: "Will you take polls and do a lot of --"

RPS: "We're going to have a survey put out by one of the fine outfits out of Princeton, uh, not Gallup, but Research
Associates, they're a very good, uh, outfit. And they're willing to do this uh, uh problem of marijuana attitudes, then we're going into the whole field of what is the extent of marijuana. We have all kinds of figures, anywhere from 8 million up to 40 million."

Unknown: "[unintelligible]"

RPS: "That's right. In our, in our total [unintelligible]."

RN: "Like what we had in Vietnam."

Van itt ez a doktor, szerinte egy kis heroin nem árt - de ezt el szeretnénk kerülni...

RPS: "One of our, one of our doctors on our, uh, on our Commission is uh, is one of the finest pharmacologists in the nation, Dr. Seevers of Michigan. Jerry knows him very well, he has his own [unintelligible], he talks about heroin, he says you can smoke a little, er, take a little heroin and, uh, and get away with it. It's the idea that it becomes a [unintelligible]. What we want to do is to be sure that we don't give approval, the approval of society."

Az egy dolog, hogy mi ittunk meg miegymás és mégis rendben vagyunk, de eddig és ne tovább

Hadd találjam ki: és a zene is jobb volt a ti időtökben..

RN: "I believe having said all I have, I have a tremendous [unintelligible], I see these kids, and we've all, we've all, uh, grown up, and, there was smoking, there was alcohol, there's a lot of other things people do, er, in the old days, etc. etc. I mean, there's a, the uh, maybe, uh, uh, going to see Greta Garbo in the day, etc. etc. Don't call me yellow, is that --"

Unknown: "I Was, I Am Curious Yellow."

RN: "But anyway. It's a [unintelligible] what we did, but, by golly, the thing to do now is to alert the country to the problem and say now, this far no farther, and I think that that's you want to do, is take a strong line."


Mindegy, mit mond a jelentés, nekem ez a véleményem

March 24, 1972, 3:02 pm - 3:39 pm -- Oval Office Conversation No.
693-1 -- press conference


Unknown reporter: "Mr. President, uh, do you have a comment sir on the, uh, recommendation of your commission on drugs that the use of marijuana in the home be, uh, no longer, uh, considered a crime?"

RN: "Um, I met with Mr. Shafer, uh, I've read the report, uh, eh, it is a report that deserves consideration and will receive it. However, as to one aspect of the report I am in disagreement. I was before I read it and reading it did not change my mind. Uh, I, uh, oppose the legalization of marijuana, and that includes the sale, its possession, and its use. I do not believe you can have effective criminal justice, uh, based on the philosophy, uh that something is half legal and half illegal. That is my position, despite what the commission has recommended."



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